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Mental Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding support


Liverpool have committed to funding the provision of a range of Solihull online courses for parents and carers.  Courses come in a variety of languages via google translate and can be accessed online or via the Solihull mobile phone app for FREE.  Importantly… they have added to the course range, two brand new courses for families to access:

“Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child”

“Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager”

The courses and “Liverpool Solihull Parenting News” are available via the link below.


Years 7-10 have benefitted from an assembly on Hate Crime. This was delivered on Wednesday 19th April 2023 by our Safer Schools Police Officer, PC Phil McKeown. Sadly, hate crime is on the increase in our society and we wanted to strengthen the work we have already done with our students to highlight the damage hate crime causes and the consequences for those who commit hate crime. Hate crimes are something we will never accept at St. Hilda’s. We are very grateful to PC Phil for giving up his time and educating us further on such an important topic.

Roy Bellmon
Deputy Headteacher – Safeguarding and Curriculum



Worth Warrior is stem4’s latest free app created for young people to manage negative body image, low self-worth, and related early-stage eating difficulties or disorders.

The app provides a range of helpful activities and information, based on the notion that eating and body-related issues can be helped through learning to challenge and change thoughts, emotions, behaviours and body image issues underlying low self-worth.

Download on Android

Download on iOS


stem4’s brand new mental health podcast, Understanding Teen Minds, aims to provide insight into the world of teenage mental health, looking at everything from signs and symptoms to early intervention.

Drawing on the extensive knowledge and experience of stem4 Founder, Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nihara Krause, along with the evidence-based resources and apps provided by stem4, we hope our podcast will be a useful tool and support for health and education professionals, parents, and young people alike.

Our latest episode for Parents, ‘Talking about Resilience‘, is out now.


Autism Post-Diagnosis Programme

Liverpool and Sefton parents and carers whose child has received a diagnosis of autism (ASD) from Alder Hey NHS Trust or from either Axia ASD Ltd or Healios via Alder Hey NHS Trust.can access this programme.

This is a pilot offer in partnership with Alder Hey NHS Trust, commissioned by NHS Cheshire & Merseyside. This unique learning programme has been designed to support and empower parents and carers in their understanding of how autism is experienced by children and young people, providing learning, guidance and strategies to better support your child/young person.

Find out more here.

YPAS – get involved – event

ADHD Foundation

Parents and carers can access the three-part “Understanding and supporting my child’s ADHD” programme, which explores different aspects of living with ADHD and strategies to support it.

The programme is delivered as live-streamed online sessions, with sessions available on various dates and times, including evenings and weekends.Referrals for the programme can be made by CAMHS, Local Authorities and Paediatrics. However, families can also self-refer to the service by completing our online referral form.

Refer here.



Kate Edwards, Acting Associate Head for Child Safety Online at the NSPCC, said: “Parents who may be thinking about purchasing a VR headset for their child this Christmas need to be aware of the risks young users currently face when given access to what, at this stage, is an unregulated world.

Young People’s Winter Survival Kit from the Anna Freud Centre


To view the above as a PDF so the links are active, please click here.

Helpful websites for parents/carers

To view the above as a PDF so the links are active, please click here.

The Parents’ Guide to Teenage Anxiety and Stress

There’s plenty of reasons for teens to get stressed, and they will vary based on what’s happening in their life and their personality.

In small doses, stress can be a great motivator, helping us get things done. The problems set in when we experience high levels of stress over extended periods of time. That can be damaging, both to mental and physical health.

Parents can’t stop their teens experiencing stress; however, they can help them develop ways to deal with it more effectively.

In this guide, we cover:

  • How to spot the signs of anxiety and stress
  • Ways to help right away
  • Long term strategies to build their resilience
  • Coping with rejection
  • Encouraging healthy routines
  • Looking after the basics
  • Habits that can make stress worse
  • Where and when to get help and support

Access the guide here:

Information to help parents/carers support their children with anxiety


The Family Links organisation website has links to the following 2 booklets for parents:
Talking to your child about Dependable Relationships
Talking to your child about Values and Relationships




The Understanding Teenagers site is committed to equipping those who live with teenagers with quality information and actionable content. The following link contains an article on parenting an unmotivated teenager:



Same Place, Same Times, Different Name.

Hello all,

We want to introduce our YPAS Walk in Support Hub service. (WISH) Formally known as Alternative to Crisis Drop-In.

YPAS Walk In Support Hub (WISH) Provides same-day mental health support for children, young people, and families in Merseyside. Formerly known as Alternative to Crisis drop-in, the service continues to offer the same support across all three hubs in Merseyside.

This change is to help you understand that our WISH service is not a crisis service, and we want to offer the right type of support to anyone that drops in.

Our practitioners can support children, young people, and families with emotional wellbeing needs and advise on various practical support issues. They will provide information, advice, and guidance and sometimes offer low-intensity CBT-based support models.

Kind regards,

YPAS Communications Team.



A guide for parents  – Exam time

If you’re worried about how your child is coping with exams at school, here is our advice and information on how you can support and where you can get help.


Support booklet  –  Adolescent Violence and Abuse to Parents/Carers

Adolescent violence & abuse to parents and carers is a serious issue.

Anecdotal evidence suggests it is increasing.

This booklet provides a resource for parents/carers who experience abuse or violence from their adolescents. It is hoped it will help to increase the safety and wellbeing of parents and carers, and provide strategies to promote caring, responsible and non-abusive behaviour.

To view, please click here.


How to help your child manage exam stress

Exams are often a source of stress for young people. And after two years of academic disruption due to the pandemic, many will be experiencing them for the first time this summer.

So how can parents/carers help their children cope with exam pressure and achieve their potential – while also protecting their mental health?

Online Sexual Harassment: Parents’ Guide

The Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, together with a group of 16-21 year-olds, has produced a guide for parents to share the harms/ issues children can face in the online world and what to do about them/ where to get advice and help. The guide can be found on the link below.


Here are some resources to help adults support children and young people with the issues surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine:



Talking to your child about on-line sexual harassment – a guide for parents

Dear parents/carers,

You may find this report and guide for parents/carers useful when talking to your daughter/son.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can help you or if you have any concerns.

For more information, please click here.

Mr Roy Bellmon – Deputy Headteacher Curriculum and Safeguarding



For more information, please click here.













Online safety

Follow the TALK checklist to help keep your child safe online (Internet Watch Foundation)

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) tells us that ‘since the start of the pandemic, the amount of ‘self-generated’ child abuse imagery has increased dramatically. In 2020, the IWF confirmed 68,000 cases of such imagery, a rise of 77% on the year before. It accounts for nearly half (44%) the imagery we took action on last year. In 80% of these cases, the victims were 11- to 13-year-old girls.’

The IWF has created a resource to help parents and carers understand the risks of ‘self-generated child sexual abuse imagery’ using the acronym ‘TALK’.

To find out more, go to:

Download the Parents’/Carers’ Guide here


Support for parents

Parenting can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging. We’ve got parenting tips for all stages of your child’s life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations. All parents can come under pressure or stress from time to time. Our Positive Parenting guide shares practical advice …



NEW Dedicated NSPCC helpline 0800 136 663

Over the last week the website ‘Everyone’s Invited’ has drawn much publicity for the shocking testimonials from over 10,000 people describing sexual abuse by other young people.

There is a new dedicated NSPCC Helpline to provide appropriate support and advice for both children and adults who are potential victims of sexual abuse in schools. It includes how to contact the police and report crimes. The helpline will also provide support to parents and professionals too.

The new helpline will provide both children and adults who are victims of sexual abuse in schools with the appropriate support and advice. This includes how to contact the police and report crimes if they wish. The helpline will also provide support to parents and professionals too. The helpline can be contacted on 0800 136 663

Please be assured that we take all allegations of sexual harassment and abuse very seriously. You can email any concerns or incidents to [email protected]

You can also report any concerns or incidents to any member of staff. Our safeguarding team will deal with any reports sensitively and with compassion. Reports can also be made via our SHARP system anonymously although if a contact name can be given, it will help us to gather as much information as possible and provide the most appropriate support.

Sources of Support, Advice and Information

Safeguarding Resource Hub A hub of national safeguarding resources for children, young people and all adults supporting them
Liverpool Early Help Directory A comprehensive directory of local services for families
Hub of Hope – local services directory Directory of local support services
CAMHS – Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services     Crisis line  0151 293 3577
PAPYRUS – suicide prevention 0800 068 4141
Young Minds – 24/7 crisis support Mental health crisis support
Text  YM to 85258
KOOTH – over 14s on-line counselling On-line counselling for 14-25 yr olds
Talk Liverpool – over 16s counselling 0151 228 2300
MindEd – information on mental health
YPAS  – young people’s support service 0151 707 1025
Samaritans – 24/7 listening support 24/7 listening support
Tel: 116 123
Childline –  24/7 support and advice 0800 1111
Harmless  – self harm support & advice Information and support
Child Bereavement UK –  bereavement support 01928 577164
ADDvanced Solutions  – ASC/ADHD/SEND support & info Information & support for ASD/ASC/ADHD/SEND/Neurodevelopmental conditions
0151 486 1788
Switchboard – LGBT+   support & advice Information and support
0300 330 0630
Addaction – drugs information and advice 0151 541 2856
REFUGE – domestic violence support and advice
eCRIME – on-line abuse advice




Safeguarding Resource Hub

The Safeguarding Resource Hub is:

  • A free online directory with links to hundreds of key national resources
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Free to all children, young people, adults, parents and carers, and professionals
  • Targeted resources for each user group
  • Empowers everyone to find the advice and guidance they might need

Find out more at


Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Information for parents/carers, from the Lucy Faithful Organisation, on keeping children safe from online and sexual harm.

With most young people being frequent users of the internet and social media platforms, it’s important that parents and carers are able to help keep children safe, both online and in person.

It’s vital that adults are aware of the risks of children being online, how to spot the warning signs of abuse in both adults and children, as well as knowing how to start difficult conversations and get help.

For further information please follow the link:

Qwell – a new emotional wellbeing and mental health support service

A new service, called Qwell, has just been launched. It offers confidential online emotional wellbeing and mental health support, and free counselling, to anyone aged 25+ who is a parent/carer of a child under 18 years of age.

Available 365 days of the year via mobile, tablet and desktop devices from 12 noon to 10pm Monday-Friday and 6pm-10pm at weekends, the service provides access to accredited counselling support, peer support via online forums and relevant articles on a variety of topics.

Click on the link for further details


Support and information for parents and carers

“The Parents’ Guide To” provides a range of free support for both parents of sixth form students as well as those taking GCSEs – including guides, useful articles, a Q&A system where they answer questions personally, live chats and a blog with the latest news. They cover all the important issues and more information can be accessed via the link below:

Where can I go to for mental health support?

​A comprehensive guide to organisations that can support young people, parents and carers with wellbeing and mental health issues can be found by clicking the following link:

Young Minds – Supporting Parents Helpfinder

Young Minds have created a useful ‘Supporting Parents Helpfinder’. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child’s mental health during the pandemic (and beyond).

There are some great tips on the website. Please click on the link below.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or if we can help at all.


The Teen Sleep Hub……. providing the support you need to achieve a good night’s sleep

Do you have questions? Need to talk about your sleep? Looking for some advice?

Award-winning voluntary organisation, The Sleep Charity, has launched a new live chat service to support teens who are suffering with sleep issues.

The new service, which is being run on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-8pm on the charity’s Teen Sleep Hub website, enables any young person who is experiencing sleep problems to chat directly with one of its trained sleep advisors to get confidential advice and brush up on sleep knowledge.

A free Sleep e-book can also be downloaded.

For more information, please click here.

Support for teens with sleep problems

The Sleep Charity has launched a Teen Sleep Hub live support line. It also has an excellent e-book on its website about teen sleep problems.

Further information is available on this link

Infrmation for parents/carers, from the Lucy Faithful Organisation, on keeping children safe from sexual harm

With the majority of children now being schooled from home, it’s important that parents and carers are able to help keep children safe, both online and in person.

A return to home learning for many children comes with difficulties, but it’s vital that adults are aware of the risks of children working online, how to spot the warning signs of abuse in both adults and children, as well as knowing how to start difficult conversations and get help.

For further information, please follow this link:

The Parents’ Guide to:

Homelife & Study 2020 – 2021 – to access the information, please click here.

Helping your child know what’s next – to access the information, please click here.

Self-care and welfare pack

The last few months of lockdown have been tough for most of us. We haven’t been able to see our friends, go about our lives in the way we would like to and have fun.

Self-care is all about what you can do to help yourself feel better or to keep yourself feeling good. It’s a way that we can look after our own mental health and wellbeing.

There are over 90 self-care strategies identified within the attachment for you to try and they are suitable for all ages.

To view, please click here.

Information for parents and carers on keeping children safe from harm and abuse

This comprehensive guide includes information on, amongst other topics, Online Safety, County Lines, Teenage Relationship Abuse, Mental Health and Child Exploitation. It is full of links to additional sources of information on many other child-related issues.  To access, please click here.

Phone and on-line psychological support services for adults

Mersey Care have issued a list of contact details for adult psychological support services and the information can be accessed by clicking here.

10 tips for parents/carers on helping young people to cope with change

The YoungMinds organisation has produced a Coping With Change During Lockdown poster for parents/carers. To view, please click here.

Helpful information from MindEd on increasing young people’s resilience

The following two links contain useful information from MindEd on supporting young people to be more resilient so they are able to bounce back from, or overcome, setbacks, obstacles or disappointments, and can also keep going in the face of challenges.

For link 1, please click here.

For link 2, please click here.

Internet safety advice for parents/carers

Some useful and informative advice from Thinkuknow, relating to young people staying safe on-line. To view, please click here.

New telephone support service for anyone aged 16+

There is a new telephone support service for anyone aged 16+.

The line (0151 473 0303) is available every day from 8am to 8pm and is staffed by NHS Mersey Care.

The service offers support for anyone who is experiencing worry, stress and/or low mood as a result of the Covid-19 situation.

For more information, please click here.

Bereavement Support across Merseyside and Cheshire

For details and contact numbers of many organisations providing bereavement support for adults and children, please click here. 

Mental Health, Housing and Financial Guide for Veterans

We were grateful to receive this very comprehensive guide this week from a grand-daughter who had researched a wealth of information and support after a conversation with her Grandad.

To view the guide, please click here.

Liverpool CAMHS – Sources of support for adult mental health concerns

CAMHS have issued a list of services which can support adults with mental health concerns.

To access the information, please click here. free counselling service free counselling service is now available in Liverpool for all young people aged 10 – 25 is a free online counselling and emotional well-being platform for young people in Liverpool aged 10-25.

The Kooth website allows young people to gain anonymous access to advice, support and guidance on any issue that is affecting their well-being.

From friendship or relationship issues, family disagreements or difficult home lives to concerns around anxiety, stress, depression, eating, self-harm and suicidal thoughts.  Qualified counsellors give young people the support they need when they need it.’s live chat service is available Monday to Friday 12 noon to 10pm and Saturday and Sunday 6pm to 10pm.

The counselling service is accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop computer completely free of charge.

For more information, please click here.

Domestic Abuse – information from Merseyside Police on help and support

The risk of increase in Domestic Abuse during the lockdown is a very real concern, and  people within some families could potentially be at an increased risk.  Here is some safety and welfare information which has been provided by Merseyside Police:

The 999 call system allows all 999 callers to access support if they are unable to speak during the call.  It is important that either a noise is made or that 55 is pressed.  For example, if you can only make noise, such as tapping the handset, coughing, crying or even talking to the offender, then these actions will alert the attention of the BT operator.

If you are supporting someone who is suffering with domestic abuse, speaking out is not always an option when someone is in real danger, so please encourage use of the 999 silent call.  Please reassure service users that the Police Force and specially trained officers are still there for people during the lockdown.  The below list details services which are also available:

For support:

In an emergency always, ring 999.   Using a silent 999 call followed by 55 (or tapping/coughing into the phone) will enable police to respond.

National Domestic Abuse 24 hour Support Helpline: 0808 2000 247

RESPECT National Helpline, perpetrators (9am to 5pm): 0808 802 4040

Support directories:


Or ring:

Liverpool Domestic Abuse Services   –  0151 263 7474

Merseyside Domestic Violence Service   –  0780 272 2703

South Liverpool Domestic Abuse Services   –  0151 494 2222

Ruby Project  –  0771 428 9180

Savera UK (honour based abuse & harmful practice specialist)  –  0800 107 0726

Worst Kept Secret Helpline (Merseyside)  –  0800 028 3398


Support for children:

Young Persons Advisory Service (YPAS)  –  0151 707 1025

NSPCC  –  0808 800 5000


Support for men:

Men’s Advice Line (Freephone)  –  0808 801 0327

Are you worried about crime?  Would you like to report something completely anonymously?

Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.

What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime.

Fearless is a service that allows you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously. This means you don’t have to give any personal details.

For information please click here.

Mental health helplines

Whether you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines and support groups can offer expert advice. Please click the link for more information:

Advice for parents and carers if worried about a child’s or young person’s emotional well-being

Young Minds have a Parents’ Helpline for anyone who may be worried about the emotional well-being of a child or young person.  Details on their free helpline for confidential and expert advice can be found by clicking the link provided:

Advice on online safety

The NSPCC  have excellent advice for parents and carers about online safety.  For more information please click the link provided.

Stemming teenage mental illness

Stem4 is a teenage mental health charity aimed at improving teenage mental health by stemming commonly occurring mental health issues at an early stage

Young people have just as much right to accessing facts about good mental health as they do good physical health, and yet there is a lack of accurate information. Embarrassment or social stigma surrounding mental health issues can so easily lead to confusion with what may be normal development, as opposed to the early development of a mental health issue.

By raising awareness, sharing information on how to recognise early warning signs and by providing effective strategies in how to deal with them, it can be possible to identify and stem these conditions early on. Find out more at


The BBC have created a new APP that helps everyone, and particularly young people, regulate what they post online. Once the APP is installed on someone’s phone it recognises if they type something inappropriate whilst on a social media. The OWN IT then suggests they may want to reconsider sending the message. By doing this, the APP is helping young people to self-regulate their behaviours.

Alongside the OWN IT app the BBC has also created a number of short videos to help children and young people seek advice about staying safe online:

CAMHS Advice: Low Self Esteem

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) have produced a series of helpful factsheets for parents. This one relates to low self-esteem   Download attachment:  CAMHS low self-esteem help sheet.pdf

CAMHS Advice: Anger

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) have produced a series of helpful factsheets for parents. This one relates to ‘Anger’.  Download attachment:  CAMHS anger help sheet.pdf

Talking to your children about scary world news

The Mental Health Foundation have released this useful guidance offering advice about how to talk to your children about scary world news.  Download attachment: talking_to_your_children_about_scary_world_news.pdf