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School Trips


Andorra Ski trip April 2021

Regrettably, on the advice of Public Health England and Liverpool Local Authority, we, along with the Governors of the school, have taken the decision to postpone the ski trip once again, until April 1-8, 2023.

Given the record high numbers of Covid-19 currently circulating across Europe, and the continually changing rules, restrictions and advice around international travel, it is the safest and most prudent option to take.

It is quite possible that by April many of these issues will have been resolved, but at this stage we simply cannot know, and this creates a significant element of risk to us all.

Of course, we recognise that a postponement of the ski trip is not without complications in itself. There will be NO INCREASE in price to accommodate the rebooking for next year, but we recognise that our Year 10 and Year 12 students will be at a critical point in their examination years, and Y11 students may well opt not to return to St Hildas, which may give you reason to consider not accepting the postponement.


This essentially gives you two options at this stage:

Option 1: Accept the postponement and attend the ski trip in April 2023 at no further cost to you.

Option 2: Withdraw from the ski trip. At this stage, we can refund any money you have paid OVER the £275 deposit. Rayburn terms and conditions state that the deposit is non-refundable. However, we obviously intend to replace anyone who no longer wants to go with pupils from years 7 and 8. They will need to pay a £275 deposit, which we will then be able to refund to those who have withdrawn. At this stage, as we don’t know how many students are going to withdraw, and we can’t know how quickly or completely those spaces will be filled, we are sorry that we cannot guarantee a full refund. Please rest assured that we will be doing everything in our power to help you in this.


Please can you let us know how you wish to proceed so we can quickly assemble all this information and begin resolving any issues as soon as possible.

Please complete the questionnaire linked here:



ANDORRA SKI TRIP 9th – 16th APRIL 2022




SKI ZOOM parents evening Andorra1

To download the above as a separate PDF, please click here.


If you have any queries, please email Mr Norton:   [email protected]