Co-producing Our Vision for Great Lives and Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) In Liverpool PATH Workshop
Thursday 10th March 2022 10.00am -14.00pm
Venue: Zoom (link below)
Why are we holding this workshop?
Liverpool local area successfully bid for PfA support from the National Preparing for Adulthood team to work on co-producing a local PfA vision and action plan. At this workshop we’ll be working together to co-produce our vision and a plan of action of how to get there.
Learning from the SEND reforms shows that no one person, family, community, team, service, organisation or sector in isolation can improve outcomes with young people 0-25 with SEND. It takes team work and partnership, with everyone involved, working towards a clear vision. At this workshop we will be joined by the Preparing for Adulthood regional co-ordinator and a member of the National Development Team for Inclusion using the PATH approach to co-produce our vision.
What is PATH?
PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) is a person-centred tool that identifies a specific goal or dream for the future, to work out the actions that need to be taken in order to make the dream a reality. PATHs can be used with an individual child or young person and as a group planning tool.
How Does a PATH work?
We will start by looking at the group’s dreams in relation to improving outcomes with young people with SEND as they prepare for adulthood. No limits or constraints will be placed on the group’s dreams or the ideal future, so we can indicate what matters most to us. We will also share and feed in the views and ideas from children, young people and families to make sure they are central to vision.
We will then identify specific goals in relation to how we work together using person centre approaches that are both positive and possible. The group will imagine possible and positive achievements / goals that could be made over the next 1-2 years. This is then compared to how life is ‘now’. We will all be heard: young people, parents/carers and their families, practitioners, managers, leaders and commissioners from across Education, Health, Care, the voluntary sector and other key partners.
We will then identify people that we can enrol to help achieve the goals and what we need to do to stay ‘strong’ and motivated. We will go on to identify ways to build strength to accomplish the goals and plan the steps needed to achieve them.
Why are we using PATH?
PATH is an inclusive process to which everyone can contribute and is proven to deliver results.
Who should come to the workshop?
We passionately believe we are stronger together and warmly extend an invite to everyone and anyone who lives and works in Liverpool who wants to help improve the life chances of young people with SEND and enable them to live great lives now and as they become adults. We hope the event will be of interest to young people, parents/carers and their families, employers, housing providers, practitioners, managers, leaders and commissioners across education, health and care. Everyone is welcome!
Booking is essential – please click here to book your place on our Eventbrite page