Recommended reads
Throughout the month of June we will be highlighting some amazing books with LGBTQ+ themes, characters and storylines.
We don’t just read these books because it’s Pride Month and we don’t read them because they have diverse characters, we read them because they are amazing books.
But while we read and walk in someone else’s shoes, we develop our empathy and become courageous advocates for others.
Knowing where to start when looking for a good book can be difficult so we have put together a selection of excellent books below, along with a summary of each. This should give you some ideas. All of these books are available to borrow from the library.
Recommended reads for pupils by reading age
Some parents have asked for ideas to get their children reading. Please find below a link to some recommendations of engaging fiction for all secondary age pupils.
Please note that the reading age is only a guide to the reading level required to access the text. If a book says 10+ it doesn’t mean that a fifteen year old wouldn’t also enjoy it. All reading is beneficial, as long as it is pleasurable and not forced. Please allow your child to choose their own reading material, don’t judge their choices and try reading it yourself too – you might really enjoy it!
To view recommended reads for pupils, please click here.
Mental health related recommended reads
Good mental wellbeing is so important to us at St Hilda’s. The library has a dedicated mental wellbeing area and stocks many books for pupils to refer to. As parents and carers we need to know how to take care of our own mental health and how to support the mental wellbeing of those we care about. For a list of recommended reads around this topic, please click here.