Get 10 balls of socks. Put a bucket, bin or box 10 steps away from a marked line. Throw the balls of socks into the target. How many you get out of 10 is your score. Submit your score via the Microsoft forms page – Send a picture of your attempting the challenge- [email protected] […]
Get two chairs and a pole of some kind (brush or mop). Balance the pole across the two chairs at a height you can step over but also get back under with your whole body. Get someone to time you for 30 seconds, count how many ties you can get over and under the pole. […]
Get a small ball such as; tennis ball, golf ball, squash ball, table tennis ball or even a ball of socks. Using your hand or you can use a racket for this challenge or if allowed a frying pan. Get someone to time you for 30 seconds, count how many keep ups you can do […]
Daily actions to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together. To access the calendar, please click here. To visit the website, please click here.
The latest CAMHS Liverpool newsletter contains information on free bite-size information sessions for parents from Merseyside Youth Organisation. Topics include: 16th July Attachment 11am 20th July Managing child’s worry 11 am 22nd July Embracing Uncertainty 3 pm 27th July Understanding your teenagers worry 11 am 30th July Embracing uncertainty 6 pm For the newsletter, more […]
Anxiety can affect people’s ability to participate in activities, including attending health appointments, work, education and social events. Anxiety can impact anyone, and is particularly common in people with health conditions and autism. Healthwatch Southampton worker, Rebecca Kinge, has created this anxiety buster. Source: Use this resource to support your child as they return […]
Alongside the 3 sports events published, you can earn extra house points through participating in the themed bonus round day of Trampoline Tuesday! Trampoline Tuesday – Complete a 10 bounce routine on your trampoline that includes the compulsory 3 skills; seat landing (1), tuck shape (2) and star shape (3) (see images), the other 7 […]
Get an egg and a desert spoon (if you have no eggs then a small ball or ball of socks will work). Measure out a course of 10 normal walking steps see image. Starting at one end of your course, complete as many laps as possible in 30 seconds. No holding of the egg or […]
Get a ball of any size; football, netball, tennis ball or even a ball of socks. You need a large open space for this challenge. Throw the ball up in the air as high as you can whilst the ball is in the air clap you hands as many times as possible. You have three […]
Get an empty cereal box, lie it on its side. Start by standing next to the box. Get someone to time you for 30 seconds and count how many times you can jump over the box with both feet. If you land and squash your box the challenge is over, if you knock it over […]