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In Psalm 143:8, David says to the Lord

‘Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.’


At St Hilda’s we believe that the best way to start the school day is by listening to God, lifting our thoughts beyond our everyday circumstances and recognizing His presence in our lives.

As a school community, we begin each day with an act of collective worship as part of our Cornerstone Curriculum. Every act of worship reflects our vision and values and are teacher and student led.  Worship in form is led by members of the Cornerstone Team and includes music, prayer and a Bible story.



Daily Act of Worship
House Assemblies
Christian festivals



Every term we worship together with a whole-school service.  These services are led by staff and students and local clergy come in to preside over Holy Communion.

Our September 2024 – 2025 Eucharists:

11th September – Flourishing together (welcome back)

11th November – Remembered Always (All Saints All Souls)

17th December – Carol Service at the Anglican Cathedral (families are invited to attend)

7th January 2025 – Joy and Happiness (Epiphany)

5th March – Balcony Ashes (Ash Wednesday)

4th April – Rejoice and Celebrate (Easter Eucharist)

18th July – Unique and talented (End of Year Eucharist)

Daily Act of Worship

Every day our students are invited to join in prayer and Wonder.  We say the Lord’s Prayer and our school prayer every week, and our prayers follow the Christian calendar.  We also reflect upon world news and respond to a weekly Wonderwall task.


Picture of form Wonderwall


School Prayer



House Assemblies

The Cornerstone Team of staff and students create a calendar of assemblies based on the Christian calendar.  Our assemblies include a distinctive act of worship for example a Bible reading, hymns and a prayer. Assemblies are led by various staff, students, school chaplains or occasionally visiting Christian speakers.

Include pictures here


Christian festivals

We celebrate Christian festivals together and encourage all members of our family to reflect on the key message of each.

Harvest festival

We show gratitude to God and to those who care for us at Harvest time by bringing in food and other items to be shared with our local community.  We do so because we believe that we are all one in Jesus Christ and we should share the gifts that He has given us.

Christmas – Carol service

We celebrate the gift of Jesus at Christmas and meet together in the Anglican Cathedral for a Carol Service.  Information to follow…